

Opportunistic Routing in Multi-radio Multi-channel Multi-hop Wireless Networks

14 years 1 months ago
Opportunistic Routing in Multi-radio Multi-channel Multi-hop Wireless Networks
— Two major factors that limit the throughput in multi-hop wireless networks are the unreliability of wireless transmissions and co-channel interference. One promising technique that combats lossy wireless transmissions is opportunistic routing (OR). OR involves multiple forwarding candidates to relay packets by taking advantage of the broadcast nature and spacial diversity of the wireless medium. Furthermore, recent advances in multi-radio multi-channel transmission technology allows more concurrent transmissions in the network, and shows the potential of substantially improving the system capacity. However, the performance of OR in multi-radio multi-channel multi-hop networks is still unknown, and the methodology of studying the performance of traditional routing (TR) can not be directly applied to OR. In this paper, we present our research on computing an end-to-end throughput bound of OR in multiradio multi-channel multi-hop wireless networks. We formulate the capacity of OR as a...
Kai Zeng, Zhenyu Yang, Wenjing Lou
Added 28 Jan 2011
Updated 28 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Kai Zeng, Zhenyu Yang, Wenjing Lou
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