

Optical Flow Estimation Using Wavelet Motion Model

15 years 2 months ago
Optical Flow Estimation Using Wavelet Motion Model
A motion estimation algorithm using wavelet approximation as an optical ow model has been developed to estimate accurate dense optical ow from an image sequence. This wavelet motion model is particularlyuseful in estimating optical ows with large displacement. Traditional pyramid methods which use the coarse-to- neimage pyramid by image burring in estimating optical ow often produce incorrect results when the coarse-levelestimates contain large errors that cannot be corrected at the subsequent ner levels. This happens when regions of low texture become at or certain patterns result in spatial aliasing due to image blurring. Our method, in contrast, uses large-to-small fullresolution regions without blurring images, and simultaneously optimizes the coarser and ner parts of optical ow so that the large and small motion can be estimated correctly. We compare results obtained by using our method with those obtained by using one of the leading optical ow methods, the Szeliski pyramid splin...
Yu-Te Wu, Takeo Kanade, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Ching-Chu
Added 15 Oct 2009
Updated 15 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where ICCV
Authors Yu-Te Wu, Takeo Kanade, Jeffrey F. Cohn, Ching-Chung Li
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