

Optimal asset allocation for aggregated defined benefit pension funds with stochastic interest rates

14 years 17 days ago
Optimal asset allocation for aggregated defined benefit pension funds with stochastic interest rates
In this paper we study the optimal management of an aggregated pension fund of defined benefit type, in the presence of a stochastic interest rate. We suppose that the sponsor can invest in a savings account, in a risky stock and in a bond with the aim of minimizing deviations of the unfunded actuarial liability from zero along a finite time horizon. We solve the problem by means of optimal stochastic control techniques and analyze the influence on the optimal solution of some of the parameters involved in the model.
Ricardo Josa-Fombellida, Juan Pablo Rincón-
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where EOR
Authors Ricardo Josa-Fombellida, Juan Pablo Rincón-Zapatero
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