

Optimal content placement for a large-scale VoD system

13 years 11 months ago
Optimal content placement for a large-scale VoD system
IPTV service providers offering Video-on-Demandcurrently use servers at each metropolitan office to store all the videos in their library. With the rapid increase in library sizes, it will soon become infeasible to replicate the entire library at each office. We present an approach for intelligent content placement that scales to large library sizes (e.g., 100Ks of videos). We formulate the problem as a mixed integer program (MIP) that takes into account constraints such as disk space, link bandwidth, and content popularity. To overcome the challenges of scale, we employ a Lagrangian relaxation-based decomposition technique combined with integer rounding. Our technique finds a near-optimal solution (e.g., within 12%) with orders of magnitude speedup relative to solving even the LP relaxation via standard software. We also present simple strategies to address practical issues such as popularity estimation, content updates, short-term popularity fluctuation, and frequency of placement u...
David Applegate, Aaron Archer, Vijay Gopalakrishna
Added 10 Feb 2011
Updated 10 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors David Applegate, Aaron Archer, Vijay Gopalakrishnan, Seungjoon Lee, K. K. Ramakrishnan
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