

Optimal Decentralized Formation of k-Member Partnerships

13 years 10 months ago
Optimal Decentralized Formation of k-Member Partnerships
To keep pace with constantly changing markets, many companies are seeking strategic partnerships. In this paper, we assume that a company can electronically provide a profile of the product or service it has to offer. This profile is described in such a way that potential partners can assess the fitness of the company for eventually teaming up. We concentrate on the fully decentralized optimal formation of teams consisting of k members. This problem boils down to developing a decentralized, efficient algorithm for solving a variant of the maximal weighted k-subgraph problem. We provide a first solution, along with an assessment of its performance, thereby concentrating on the feasibility of an actual embedding in real-world scenarios consisting of thousands of companies. In particular, any solution should be highly adaptive when new or fresh information concerning potential partners comes available. Keywords-weighted k-clique matching; variable neighbourhood search; self-organization; ...
Anna Chmielowiec, Maarten van Steen
Added 14 Feb 2011
Updated 14 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where SASO
Authors Anna Chmielowiec, Maarten van Steen
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