

Optimal Distribution Tree for Internet Streaming Media

14 years 8 months ago
Optimal Distribution Tree for Internet Streaming Media
Internet radio and television stations require significant bandwidth to support delivery of high quality audio and video streams to a large number of receivers. IP multicast is an appropriate delivery model for these applications. However, widespread deployment of IP multicast on the Internet is unlikely in the near future. An alternative is to build a multicast tree in the application layer. Previous studies have addressed tree construction in the application layer. However, most of them focus on reducing delay. Few systems have been designed to achieve a high throughput for bandwidth-intensive applications. In this paper, we present a distributed algorithm to build an applicationlayer tree. We prove that our algorithm finds a tree such that the average incoming rate of receivers in the tree is maximized (under certain network model assumptions). We also describe protocols that implement the algorithm. For implementation on the Internet, there is a tradeoff between the overhead of...
Min Sik Kim, Simon S. Lam, Dong-Young Lee
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Min Sik Kim, Simon S. Lam, Dong-Young Lee
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