

Optimal Encodings for Range Majority Queries

8 years 10 months ago
Optimal Encodings for Range Majority Queries
We study the problem of designing a data structure that reports the positions of the distinct τ-majorities within any range of an array A[1, n], without storing A. A τ-majority in a range A[i, j], for 0 < τ < 1, is an element that occurs more than τ(j−i+1) times in A[i, j]. We show that Ω(n log(1/τ) ) bits are necessary for any data structure just able to count the number of distinct τ-majorities in any range. Then, we design a structure using O(n log(1/τ) ) bits that returns one position of each τ-majority of A[i, j] in O((1/τ) log logw(1/τ) log n) time, on a RAM machine with word size w (it can output any further position where each τ-majority occurs in O(1) additional time). Finally, we show how to remove a log n factor from the time by adding O(n log log n) bits of space to the structure.
Gonzalo Navarro, Sharma V. Thankachan
Added 29 Mar 2016
Updated 29 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Authors Gonzalo Navarro, Sharma V. Thankachan
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