

Optimal Insertion of a Segment Highway in a City Metric

14 years 4 months ago
Optimal Insertion of a Segment Highway in a City Metric
Given two sets of points in the plane, we are interested in locating a highway h such that an objective function on the city distance between points of the two sets is minimized (where the city distance is measured with speed v > 1 on a highway and 1 in the underlying metric elsewhere). Extending the results of Ahn et al. ([7]), we consider the option that there are already some built highways. We give a unified approach to this problem to design polynomial-time algorithms for several combinations of objective functions and types of the inserted highway (turnpike or freeway). Key words: facility location, city metric, computational geometry, optimization problems, algorithms, urban planning
Matias Korman, Takeshi Tokuyama
Added 18 Oct 2010
Updated 18 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Matias Korman, Takeshi Tokuyama
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