

Optimal Partition of QoS Requirements for Many-to-Many Connections

14 years 9 months ago
Optimal Partition of QoS Requirements for Many-to-Many Connections
— We study problems related to supporting multicast connections with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements. We investigate the problem of optimal resource allocation in the context of performance dependent costs. In this context each network element can offer several QoS guarantees, each associated with a different cost. This is a natural extension to the commonly used bi-criteria model, where each link is associated with a single delay and a single cost. This framework is simple yet strong enough to model many practical interesting networking problems. The fundamental multicast resource allocation problem under this framework is how to optimally allocate QoS requirements on the links of the multicast tree. One needs to partition the end-toend QoS requirement along the various paths in a tree. The goal is to satisfy the end-to-end QoS requirement with minimum cost. Previous studies under this framework considered single-source multicast connections, where the End-to-end QoS requireme...
Dean H. Lorenz, Ariel Orda, Danny Raz
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Dean H. Lorenz, Ariel Orda, Danny Raz
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