

An optimal pinwheel scheduler using the single-number reduction technique

14 years 6 months ago
An optimal pinwheel scheduler using the single-number reduction technique
Several Panwheel schedulers have been reported preuaously for schedulang real-tame systems an whach the temporal dastances between consecutave executaons of tasks must be less than thear respectzve dastance constraants. The scheduler Sr has been used for task sets wzth real number dastance constraants and executaon tames. Sr transforms the dastance constraants an a system znto harmonic values wath a base of 2. In thas paper, we present a panwheel scheduler Srb whach as deraued from Sr usang any base greater than or equal to 2. The schedulabzlaty condataon of Srb as presented and zls optamalaty as proved. We also study the performance of Srb by samulataon and compare at wath a near-optamal heurastac algorathm HSr.
Chih-wen Hsueh, Kwei-Jay Lin
Added 07 Aug 2010
Updated 07 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Where RTSS
Authors Chih-wen Hsueh, Kwei-Jay Lin
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