

On Optimal Sizing of Tiered Network Services

14 years 9 months ago
On Optimal Sizing of Tiered Network Services
Abstract— We develop an economic model for networks offering tiered services and we formulate the problem of selecting the service tiers from three perspectives: one that considers the users’ interests only, one that considers only the service provider’s interests, and one that considers both simultaneously, i.e., the interests of society as a whole. We also present dynamic programming algorithms that solve these problems optimally. Our work provides a theoretical framework for reasoning about Internet tiered services, as well as a practical toolset for network providers to develop customized menus of service offerings.
Qian Lv, George N. Rouskas
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Qian Lv, George N. Rouskas
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