In this paperweconsidertheproblemof schedulingdifferentclasses of customerson multiple distributed serversto minimize an objective function basedon per-classmeanresponsetimes.This problem arisesin a wide rangeof distributed systems,networksand applications. Within the context of our model, we observethat the optimal sequencingstrategyat eachof the serversis a simple static priority policy. Using this observation,we arguethat the globally optimal schedulingproblem reducesto finding an optimal routing matrix underthis sequencingpolicy. Weformulatethe latter problemasanonlinearprogrammingproblemandshowthat anyinterior local minimum is aglobal minimum, which significantly simplifies the solution of the optimization problem. In the caseof Poissonarrivals, we provide anoptimal schedulingstrategythat alsotendsto minimize a function of the per-classresponsetime variances.Applying ouranalysisto variousstaticinstancesof thegeneralproblem leadsusto rederivemanyresults,yielding simpleapproximatio...
Jay Sethuraman, Mark S. Squillante