

Optimal System of Loops on an Orientable Surface

14 years 8 months ago
Optimal System of Loops on an Orientable Surface
Every compact orientable boundaryless surface M can be cut along simple loops with a common point v0, pairwise disjoint except at v0, so that the resulting surface is a topological disk; such a set of loops is called a system of loops for M. The resulting disk may be viewed as a polygon in which the sides are pairwise identified on the surface; it is called a polygonal schema. Assuming that M is a combinatorial surface, and that each edge has a given length, we are interested in a shortest (or optimal) system of loops homotopic to a given one, drawn on the vertex-edge graph of M. We prove that each loop of such an optimal system is a shortest loop among all simple loops in its homotopy class. We give an algorithm to build such a system, which has polynomial running time if the lengths of the edges are uniform. As a byproduct, we get an algorithm with the same running time to compute a shortest simple loop homotopic to a given simple loop.
Éric Colin de Verdière, Francis Laza
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where FOCS
Authors Éric Colin de Verdière, Francis Lazarus
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