

Optimization and analysis of distributed averaging with short node memory

13 years 8 months ago
Optimization and analysis of distributed averaging with short node memory
Distributed averaging describes a class of network algorithms for the decentralized computation of aggregate statistics. Initially, each node has a scalar data value, and the goal is to compute the average of these values at every node (the so-called average consensus problem). Nodes iteratively exchange information with their neighbors and perform local updates until the value at every node converges to the initial network average. Much previous work has focused on algorithms where each node maintains and updates a single value; every time an update is performed, the previous value is forgotten. Convergence to the average consensus is achieved asymptotically. The convergence rate is fundamentally limited by network connectivity, and it can be prohibitively slow on topologies such as grids and random geometric graphs, even if the update rules are optimized. In this paper, we provide the first theoretical demonstration that adding a local prediction component to the update rule can sig...
Boris N. Oreshkin, Mark Coates, Michael G. Rabbat
Added 22 May 2011
Updated 22 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where TSP
Authors Boris N. Oreshkin, Mark Coates, Michael G. Rabbat
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