

An Optimization Approach for Radiosurgery Treatment Planning

14 years 2 months ago
An Optimization Approach for Radiosurgery Treatment Planning
We outline a new approach for radiosurgery treatment planning, based on solving a series of optimization problems. We consider a specific treatment planning problem for a specialized device known as the Gamma Knife, that provides an advanced stereotactic approach to the treatment of tumors, vascular malformations, and pain disorders within the head. The sequence of optimization problems involves nonlinear and mixed integer programs whose solution is required in a given planning time (typically less than 30 minutes). This paper outlines several modeling decisions that result in more efficient and robust solution. Furthermore, it outlines a new approach for determining starting points for the nonlinear programs, based on a skeletonization of the target volume. Treatment plans are generated for real patient data that show the efficiency of the approach.
Michael C. Ferris, Jinho Lim, David M. Shepard
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Michael C. Ferris, Jinho Lim, David M. Shepard
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