

Optimized Transmission for Fading Multiple-Access and Broadcast Channels With Multiple Antennas

14 years 2 months ago
Optimized Transmission for Fading Multiple-Access and Broadcast Channels With Multiple Antennas
In mobile wireless networks, dynamic allocation of resources such as transmit powers, bit-rates, and antenna beams based on the channel state information of mobile users is known to be the general strategy to explore the time-varying nature of the mobile environment. This paper looks at the problem of optimal resource allocation in wireless networks from different information-theoretic points of view and under the assumption that the channel state is completely known at the transmitter and the receiver. In particular, the fading multiple-access channel (MAC) and the fading broadcast channel (BC) with additive Gaussian noise and multiple transmit and receive antennas are focused. The fading MAC is considered first and a complete characterization of its capacity region and power region are provided under various power and rate constraints. The derived results can be considered as nontrivial extensions of the work done by Tse and Hanly from the case of single transmit and receive antenna ...
Mehdi Mohseni, Rui Zhang, John M. Cioffi
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JSAC
Authors Mehdi Mohseni, Rui Zhang, John M. Cioffi
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