

Optimizing the Evaluation of XPath Using Description Logics

14 years 5 months ago
Optimizing the Evaluation of XPath Using Description Logics
: The growing use of XML in commercial as well as non-commercial domains to transport information poses new challenges to concepts to access these information. Common ways to access parts of a document use XPathexpressions. We provide a transformation of DTDs into a knowledge base in Description Logic. We use reasoning capabilities in Logic to decide, if a given XPath may be satisfied in a document, and to guide the search of XMLProcessors into possibly successful branches of the document, avoiding parts of the document, that will not yield results. The extension towards objectoriented subclassing schemes opens this approach towards OODB-queries. Opposed to other approaches we do not use any kind of graph representing the document structure, and no steps towards incorporation of the XML/OODB-processor itself will be taken.
Peter Baumgartner, Ulrich Furbach, Margret Gro&szl
Added 03 Jul 2010
Updated 03 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WLP
Authors Peter Baumgartner, Ulrich Furbach, Margret Groß-Hardt, Thomas Kleemann
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