

Optimizing Memory System Performance for Communication in Parallel Computers

14 years 6 months ago
Optimizing Memory System Performance for Communication in Parallel Computers
Communicationin aparallel systemfrequently involvesmoving data from the memory of one node to the memory of another; this is the standard communication model employedin message passing systems. Depending on the application, we observe a variety of patterns as part of communication steps, e.g., regular (i.e. blocks of data), strided, or irregular (indexed) memory accesses. The effective speed of these communication steps is determined by the network bandwidth and the memory bandwidth, and measurements on current parallel supercomputers indicate that the performance is limited by the memory bandwidth rather than the network bandwidth. Current systems provide a wealth of options to perform communication, and a compiler or user is faced with the difficulty of finding the communication operations that best use the available memory and network bandwidth. This paper provides a framework to evaluate different solutions for inter-node communication and presents the copy-transfer model; this ...
Thomas Stricker, Thomas R. Gross
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Where ISCA
Authors Thomas Stricker, Thomas R. Gross
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