

Oracle-Based Partial Evaluation

14 years 3 months ago
Oracle-Based Partial Evaluation
We present Oracle-Based Partial Evaluation (OBPE), a novel approach to on-line Partial Evaluation (PE) which decides the control strategy to use for each call pattern by using an oracle function which compares the results of specializing such call pattern w.r.t. a set of strategies. Our proposal is motivated by Poly-Controlled Partial Evaluation (PCPE), which allows using different control strategies for different call patterns. Given a set CS of control strategies, the best PCPE specialized programs outperform the specialized programs obtained by traditional PE for any of the control strategies in CS, especially when resource-aware specialization is performed. Unfortunately, computing all PCPE specialized programs and then choosing a posteriori the best one is too costly in practice. In contrast, in OBPE a single specialized program is computed. We have developed an empirical oracle whose parameters are approximated from a set of training data, by using constraint logic programming. ...
Claudio Ochoa, Germán Puebla
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Claudio Ochoa, Germán Puebla
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