The buffer manager is integral to the performance, scalability, and reliability of Oracle’s Universal Dam Server, a high performance object-relational databasemanagerthat provides robustdata-managementservicesfor a variety of applications and tools. The rich functionality of the Universal Data Server poses special challengesto thedesignof thebuffermanager.Buffer managementalgorithms must be scalable and efficient acrossa broad spectrumof OLTP,decision support, and multimedia workloads which impose very different concurrency, throughput andbandwidth requirements.The needfor portability acrossa wide range of platforms further complicates buffer management; the database servermustrun efficiently with buffer pool sizes ranging from 50buffersto severalmillion buffers and on a wide variety of architecturesincluding uniprocessors, shared-disk clusters, messagepassingMPPsystems,andshared-memorymuhiprocessors.
William Bridge, Ashok Joshi, M. Keihl, Tirthankar