

Organizational and Social Concepts in Agent Oriented Software Engineering

14 years 7 months ago
Organizational and Social Concepts in Agent Oriented Software Engineering
AOSE methodologies and models borrow various abstractions and concepts from the organization and sociology disciplines. Although they all ti-agent system as organized society, the organizational abstractions, assumptions, concepts, and models in them are actually used in different ways. It is, therefore desirable to have a systematic way of analyzing and comparing the organizational and social concepts in AOSE. The contribution of this paper is twofold. Firstly, we describe and define the modeling construct levels and the social premises of multi-agent system that should be modeled and analyzed when developing multi-agent system, identify and classify categories of organizational and social concepts in AOSE literature that are used to deal with m standpoints of organization abstractions. Secondly, we analyze some methodologies and models in AOSE, explain how the organizational and social concepts are used to specify and analyze multi-agent system with various social premises in differe...
XinJun Mao, Eric Yu
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where AOSE
Authors XinJun Mao, Eric Yu
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