

Outage rates and outage durations of opportunistic relaying systems

14 years 1 months ago
Outage rates and outage durations of opportunistic relaying systems
Opportunistic relaying is a simple yet efficient cooperation scheme that achieves full diversity and preserves the spectral efficiency among the spatially distributed stations. However, the stations' mobility causes temporal correlation of the system's capacity outage events, which gives rise to its important second-order outage statistical parameters, such as the average outage rate (AOR) and the average outage duration (AOD). This letter presents exact analytical expressions for the AOR and the AOD of an opportunistic relaying system, which employs a mobile source and a mobile destination (without a direct path), and an arbitrary number of (fixed-gain amplify-and-forward or decodeand-forward) mobile relays in Rayleigh fading environment.
Zoran Hadzi-Velkov, Nikola Zlatanov
Added 25 Dec 2010
Updated 25 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Zoran Hadzi-Velkov, Nikola Zlatanov
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