

Outer Bounds for the Interference Channel with a Cognitive Relay

13 years 9 months ago
Outer Bounds for the Interference Channel with a Cognitive Relay
In this paper, we first present an outer bound for a general interference channel with a cognitive relay, i.e., a relay that has non-causal knowledge of both independent messages transmitted in the interference channel. This outer bound reduces to the capacity region of the deterministic broadcast channel and of the deterministic cognitive interference channel the through nulling of certain channel inputs. It does not, however, reduce to that of certain deterministic interference channels for which capacity is known. As such, we subsequently tighten the bound for channels whose outputs satisfy an "invertibility" condition. This second outer bound now reduces to the capacity of the special class of deterministic interference channels for which capacity is known. The second outer bound is further tightened for the high-SNR deterministic approximation of the Gaussian channel by exploiting the special structure of the interference. We provide an example that suggests that this th...
Stefano Rini, Daniela Tuninetti, Natasha Devroye
Added 01 Mar 2011
Updated 01 Mar 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors Stefano Rini, Daniela Tuninetti, Natasha Devroye
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