

Overview of Fuzzy-RED in Diff-Serv Networks

14 years 2 months ago
Overview of Fuzzy-RED in Diff-Serv Networks
The rapid growth of the Internet and increased demand to use the Internet for time-sensitive voice and video applications necessitate the design and utilization of new Internet architectures with effective congestion control algorithms. As a result the Diff-Serv architectures was proposed to deliver (aggregated) QoS in TCP/IP networks. Network congestion control remains a critical and high priority issue, even for the present Internet architecture. In this paper we present Fuzzy-RED, a novel approach to Diff-Serv congestion control, and compare it with a classical RIO implementation. We believe that with the support of fuzzy logic, we are able to achieve better differentiation for packet discarding behaviors for individual flows, and so provide better quality of service to different kinds of traffic, such as TCP/FTP traffic and TCP/Weblike traffic, whilst maintaining high utilization (goodput).
Loukas Rossides, Chrysostomos Chrysostomou, Andrea
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Authors Loukas Rossides, Chrysostomos Chrysostomou, Andreas Pitsillides, Y. Ahmet Sekercioglu
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