

OWL SAIQL - An OWL DL Query Language for Ontology Extraction

14 years 1 months ago
OWL SAIQL - An OWL DL Query Language for Ontology Extraction
Existing approaches for querying OWL DL do either only operate on syntactic constructs without taking into account the semantics of OWL or do only have a restricted access to the T-Box. We present SAIQL, the novel Schema And Instance Query Language for OWL DL, that is well suited for ontology extraction. We describe its syntax and explain a basic evaluation strategy. We illustrate the use of SAIQL with an example for ontology extraction and re-use. Key words: OWL, Query Language, Schema, Ontology Extraction
Alexander Kubias, Simon Schenk, Steffen Staab, Jef
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Alexander Kubias, Simon Schenk, Steffen Staab, Jeff Z. Pan
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