

A P2P Technique for Continuous k-Nearest-Neighbor Query in Road Networks

14 years 6 months ago
A P2P Technique for Continuous k-Nearest-Neighbor Query in Road Networks
Due to the high frequency in location updates and the expensive cost of continuous query processing, server computation capacity and wireless communication bandwidth are the two limiting factors for large-scale deployment of moving object database systems. Many techniques have been proposed to address the server bottleneck including one using distributed servers. To address both of the scalability factors, P2P computing has been considered. These schemes enable moving objects to participate as a peer in query processing to substantially reduce the demand on server computation, and wireless communications associated with location updates. Most of these techniques, however, assume an open-space environment. In this paper, we investigate a P2P computing technique for continuous kNN queries in a network environment. Since network distance is different from Euclidean distance, techniques designed specifically for an open space cannot be easily adapted for our environment. We present the det...
Fuyu Liu, Kien A. Hua, Tai T. Do
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where DEXA
Authors Fuyu Liu, Kien A. Hua, Tai T. Do
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