

Pair-activity classification by bi-trajectories analysis

15 years 4 months ago
Pair-activity classification by bi-trajectories analysis
In this paper, we address the pair-activity classification problem, which explores the relationship between two active objects based on their motion information. Our contributions are three-fold. First, we design a set of features, e.g., causality ratio and feedback ratio based on the Granger Causality Test (GCT), for describing the pairactivities encoded as trajectory pairs. These features along with conventional velocity and position features are essentially of multi-modalities, and may be greatly different in scale and importance. To make full use of them, we then present a novel feature normalization procedure to learn the coefficients for weighting these features by maximizing the discriminating power measured by weighted correlation. Finally, we collected a pair-activity database of five categories, each of which consists of about 170 instances. The extensive experiments on this database validate the effectiveness of the designed features for pair-activity representation, and al...
Yue Zhou, Shuicheng Yan, Thomas S. Huang
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 28 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where CVPR
Authors Yue Zhou, Shuicheng Yan, Thomas S. Huang
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