

Parallel algorithms for molecular dynamics with induction forces

14 years 2 months ago
Parallel algorithms for molecular dynamics with induction forces
We examine parallel algorithms for molecular dynamics simulations involving long-range induction interactions. The algorithms are tested by performing molecular dynamics simulations of water with an intermolecular potential that explicitly includes contributions from pair, three-body and induction interactions. Both cyclic and balanced force decomposition methods are implemented to decompose the parallelizable components of induction, pair and three-body interactions using a message passing interface. We report that more than 90% of the induction calculation, and 98% of the total calculation can be effectively parallelized. A reasonably good speedup of 15.7 times and an efficiency of 49.1% are obtained on 32 processors with the balance force decomposition algorithm.
Jianhui Li, Zhongwu Zhou, Richard J. Sadus
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Jianhui Li, Zhongwu Zhou, Richard J. Sadus
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