

A Parallel Programming Style and Its Algebra of Programs

14 years 7 months ago
A Parallel Programming Style and Its Algebra of Programs
Abstract. We present a set of primitive program schemes, which together with just two basic combining forms provide a suprisingly expressive parallel programming language. The primitive program schemes (called tropes) take the form of parameterised conditional rewrite rules, and the computational model is a variant of the Gamma style, in which computation proceeds by nondeterministic local rewriting of a global multiset. We consider a number of examples which illustrate the use of tropes and we study the algebraic properties of the sequential and parallel combining forms. Using the examples we illustrate the application of these properties in the verification of some simple program transformations.
Chris Hankin, Daniel Le Métayer, David Sand
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1993
Authors Chris Hankin, Daniel Le Métayer, David Sands
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