

Parameter-Free Tree Style Pipeline in Asynchronous Parallel Game-Tree Search

8 years 9 months ago
Parameter-Free Tree Style Pipeline in Asynchronous Parallel Game-Tree Search
Abstract. Asynchronous parallel game-tree search methods are effective in improving playing strength by using many computers connected through relatively slow networks. In game position parallelization, the master program manages a game-tree and distributes positions in the tree to workers. Then, each worker asynchronously searches the best move and evaluation for its assigned position. We present a new method for constructing an appropriate master tree that provides more important moves with more workers on their sub-trees to improve playing strength. Our contribution introduces two advantages: (1) being parameter free in that users do not need to tune parameters through trial and error, and (2) efficiency suitable even for short-time matches, such as one second per move. We implemented our method in chess with a top-level chess program (Stockfish) and evaluated playing strength through self-plays. We confirmed that playing strength improves with up to sixty workers.
Shu Yokoyama, Tomoyuki Kaneko, Tetsuro Tanaka
Added 28 Mar 2016
Updated 28 Mar 2016
Type Journal
Year 2015
Where ACG
Authors Shu Yokoyama, Tomoyuki Kaneko, Tetsuro Tanaka
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