

Parametric Fortran - A Program Generator for Customized Generic Fortran Extensions

14 years 7 months ago
Parametric Fortran - A Program Generator for Customized Generic Fortran Extensions
We describe the design and implementation of a program generator that can produce extensions of Fortran that are specialized to support the programming of particular applications. Extensions are specified through parameter structures that can be referred to in Fortran programs to specify the dependency of program parts on these parameters. By providing parameter values, a parameterized Fortran program can be translated into a regular Fortran program. We describe as a real-world application of this program generator the implementation of a generic inverse ocean modeling tool. The program generator is implemented in Haskell and makes use of sophisticated features, such as multi-parameter type classes, existential types, and generic programming extensions and thus represents the application of an advanced applicative language to a real-world problem.
Martin Erwig, Zhe Fu
Added 02 Jul 2010
Updated 02 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where PADL
Authors Martin Erwig, Zhe Fu
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