

Parsing with Non-Deterministic Functions

14 years 4 months ago
Parsing with Non-Deterministic Functions
Parsing has been a traditional workbench for showing the virtues of declarative programming. Both logic and functional programming claim the ability of writing parsers in a natural and concise way. We address here the task from a functionallogic perspective. By modeling parsers as non-deterministic functions we achieve a very natural manner of buildingparsers, which combines the nicest properties of the functional and logic approaches. In particular, we are able to easily de ne within our framework parsers in a style very close to the `monadic parsers' of functional programming, but using simpler concepts.
Rafael Caballero, Francisco Javier López-Fr
Added 04 Aug 2010
Updated 04 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1998
Where AGP
Authors Rafael Caballero, Francisco Javier López-Fraguas
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