

Parsing String Generating Hypergraph Grammars

14 years 7 months ago
Parsing String Generating Hypergraph Grammars
A string generating hypergraph grammar is a hyperedge replacement grammar where the resulting language consists of string graphs i.e. hypergraphs modeling strings. With the help of these grammars, string languages like an bn cn can be modeled that can not be generated by context-free grammars for strings. They are well suited to model discontinuous constituents in natural languages, i.e. constituents that are interrupted by other constituents. For parsing context-free Chomsky grammars, the Earley parser is well known. In this paper, an Earley parser for string generating hypergraph grammars is presented, leading to a parser for natural languages that is able to handle discontinuities. 1 Discontinuous Constituents in German One (of many) problems when parsing German are discontinuous constituents [1]. Discontinuous constituents are constituents which are separated by one or more other constituents and still belong together on a semantic or syntactic level. An example1 for a discontinuou...
Sebastian Seifert, Ingrid Fischer
Added 01 Jul 2010
Updated 01 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where GG
Authors Sebastian Seifert, Ingrid Fischer
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