

Part-of-Speech Tagging using a Variable Memory Markov Model

14 years 1 months ago
Part-of-Speech Tagging using a Variable Memory Markov Model
Wepresent a new approachtodisambiguatingsyntactically ambiguous words in context, based on Variable Memory Markov (VMM) models. In contrast to xed-length Markovmodels,whichpredict based on xed-length histories, variable memory Markov models dynamically adapt their history length based on the training data, and hence may use fewer parameters. In a test of a VMM based tagger on the Brown corpus, 95.81% of tokens are correctly classi ed.
Hinrich Schütze, Yoram Singer
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1994
Where ACL
Authors Hinrich Schütze, Yoram Singer
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