

A partial reconfigurable architecture for controllers based on Petri nets

14 years 7 months ago
A partial reconfigurable architecture for controllers based on Petri nets
Digital Control System in the industry has been used in most of the applications based on expensive Programmable Logical Controllers (PLC). These Systems are, in general, highly complex and slow, with an operation cycle around 10ms. In this work, a Reconfigurable Logic Controller (RLC) approach is presented, based on a small and low cost Xilinx Virtex-II FPGA architecture, operating as a virtual hardware machine. In this context, the main process is specified in a formal language, based on Petri nets or SFC (Sequential Function Chart). For applications that demand more hardware than that available in the FPGA, a partial reconfiguration mechanism takes place. From the Petri net specification, the main process is split into multiple contexts, which are sequentially executed within the same FPGA, without violating the operation cycle of application. Categories and Subject Descriptors J.7 [Computer Applications]: Computers in Other Systems – industrial control, process control, real tim...
Paulo Sérgio B. do Nascimento, Paulo Romero
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Paulo Sérgio B. do Nascimento, Paulo Romero Martins Maciel, Manoel Eusebio de Lima, Remy Eskinazi Sant'Anna, Abel Guilhermino S. Filho
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