

Particle-based methodology for representing mobile ad-hoc networks

14 years 7 months ago
Particle-based methodology for representing mobile ad-hoc networks
—We present a methodology based on physics laws and particles in order to represent, simulate, and architect advanced networking models. We introduce a mathematical formalism with its basic postulates seeing the messages signals and nodes as interacting/colliding particles and space-temporal zones, respectively. In particular we focus on using this “Particle” view for Ad-Hoc networks, where we can represent network nodes as the moving particles in physics. This idea can be used in several types of networks like sensor or mobile, and even to computational systems, this first presentation aims to continue with further work on robustness, tools, and examples on how this view can be used in specification of complex networks in conjunction with existing methodologies and tools.
Carlos J. Martinez, Marisa López, Luis C. E
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Carlos J. Martinez, Marisa López, Luis C. Estebanez
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