

Partitions and Coverings of Trees by Bounded-Degree Subtrees

13 years 8 months ago
Partitions and Coverings of Trees by Bounded-Degree Subtrees
This paper addresses the following questions for a given tree T and integer d 2: (1) What is the minimum number of degree-d subtrees that partition E(T)? (2) What is the minimum number of degree-d subtrees that cover E(T)? We answer the first question by providing an explicit formula for the minimum number of subtrees, and we describe a linear time algorithm that finds the corresponding partition. For the second question, we present a polynomial time algorithm that computes a minimum covering. We then establish a tight bound on the number of subtrees in coverings of trees with given maximum degree and pathwidth. Our results show that pathwidth is the right parameter to consider when studying coverings of trees by degree-3 subtrees. We briefly consider coverings of general graphs by connected subgraphs of bounded degree. Contents
David R. Wood
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where CORR
Authors David R. Wood
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