

Paternity analysis in Excel

14 years 14 days ago
Paternity analysis in Excel
Paternity analysis using microsatellite information is a well studied subject. These markers are ideal for parentage studies and fingerprinting, due to their high discrimination power. This type of data is used to assign paternity, to compute the average selfing and outcrossing rates and to estimate the biparental inbreeding. There are several public domain programs that compute all this information from data. Most of the time, it is necessary to export data to some sort of format, feed it to the program and import the output to an Excel book for further processing. In this article we briefly describe a program referred from now on as PAE (Paternity Analysis in Excel), developed at IST and IBET (see the acknowledgments) that computes paternity candidates from data, and other information, from within Excel. In practice this means that the end user provides the data in an Excel sheet and, by pressing an appropriate button, obtains the results in another Excel sheet. For convenience P...
Margarida Rocheta, F. Miguel Dionísio, Lu&i
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CMPB
Authors Margarida Rocheta, F. Miguel Dionísio, Luís Fonseca, Ana M. Pires
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