

Path Selection and Multipath Congestion Control

14 years 6 months ago
Path Selection and Multipath Congestion Control
— In this paper we investigate the potential benefits of coordinated congestion control for multipath data transfers, and contrast with uncoordinated control. For static random path selections, we show the worstcase throughput performance of uncoordinated control behaves as if each user had but a single path (scaling like log(log(N))/ log(N) where N is the system size, measured in number of resources). Whereas coordinated control gives a throughput allocation bounded away from zero, improving on both uncoordinated control and on the greedy-least loaded path selection of e.g. Mitzenmacher. We then allow users to change their set of routes and introduce the notion of a Nash equilibrium. We show that with RTT bias (as in TCP Reno), uncoordinated control can lead to inefficient equilibria. With no RTT bias, both uncoordinated or coordinated Nash equilibria correspond to desirable welfare maximising states. Moreover, simple path reselection polices that shift to paths with higher net be...
Peter B. Key, Laurent Massoulié, Donald F.
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Peter B. Key, Laurent Massoulié, Donald F. Towsley
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