

Patterns in Complex Systems Modeling

14 years 8 months ago
Patterns in Complex Systems Modeling
The design, development, and use of complex systems models raises a unique class of challenges and potential pitfalls, many of which are commonly recurring problems. Over time, researchers gain experience in this form of modeling, choosing algorithms, techniques, and frameworks that improve the quality, confidence level, and speed of development of their models. This increasing collective experience of complex systems modellers is a resource that should be captured. Fields such as software engineering and architecture have benefited from the development of generic solutions to recurring problems, called patterns. Using pattern development techniques from these fields, insights from communities such as learning and information processing, data mining, bioinformatics, and agent-based modeling can be identified and captured. Collections of such ‘pattern languages’ would allow knowledge gained through experience to be readily accessible to less-experienced practitioners and to other do...
Janet Wiles, James Watson
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Janet Wiles, James Watson
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