

PDTB-style Discourse Annotation of Chinese Text

12 years 4 months ago
PDTB-style Discourse Annotation of Chinese Text
We describe a discourse annotation scheme for Chinese and report on the preliminary results. Our scheme, inspired by the Penn Discourse TreeBank (PDTB), adopts the lexically grounded approach; at the same time, it makes adaptations based on the linguistic and statistical characteristics of Chinese text. Annotation results show that these adaptations work well in practice. Our scheme, taken together with other PDTB-style schemes (e.g. for English, Turkish, Hindi, and Czech), affords a broader perspective on how the generalized lexically grounded approach can flesh itself out in the context of cross-linguistic annotation of discourse relations.
Yuping Zhou, Nianwen Xue
Added 29 Sep 2012
Updated 29 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where ACL
Authors Yuping Zhou, Nianwen Xue
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