

PelletSpatial: A Hybrid RCC-8 and RDF/OWL Reasoning and Query Engine

14 years 9 months ago
PelletSpatial: A Hybrid RCC-8 and RDF/OWL Reasoning and Query Engine
In this paper, we present PelletSpatial, a qualitative spatial reasoning engine implemented on top of Pellet. PelletSpatial provides consistency checking and query answering over spatial data represented with the Region Connection Calculus (RCC). It supports all RCC-8 relations as well as standard RDF/OWL semantic relations, both represented in RDF/OWL. As such, it can answer mixed SPARQL queries over both relation types. PelletSpatial implements two RCC reasoners: (a) A reasoner based on the semantics preserving translation of RCC relations to OWL-DL class axioms and (b) a reasoner based on the RCC composition table that implements a path-consistency algorithm. We discuss the details of two implementation approaches and focus on some of their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Markus Stocker, Evren Sirin
Added 27 May 2010
Updated 27 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Markus Stocker, Evren Sirin
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