

A Penalization Criterion Based on Noise Behaviour for Model Selection

14 years 4 months ago
A Penalization Criterion Based on Noise Behaviour for Model Selection
Complexity-penalization strategies are one way to decide on the most appropriate network size in order to address the trade-off between overfitted and underfitted models. In this paper we propose a new penalty term derived from the behaviour of candidate models under noisy conditions that seems to be much more robust against catastrophic overfitting errors that standard techniques. This strategy is applied to several regression problems using polynomial functions, univariate autoregressive models and RBF neural networks. The simulation study at the end of the paper will show that the proposed criterion is extremely competitive when compared to state-of-the-art criteria.
Joaquín Pizarro Junquera, Pedro Galindo Ria
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Joaquín Pizarro Junquera, Pedro Galindo Riaño, Elisa Guerrero Vázquez, Andrés Yáñez Escolano
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