

Perception of Transformation-Invariance in the Visual Pathway

14 years 6 months ago
Perception of Transformation-Invariance in the Visual Pathway
Abstract. Visual perception of transformation invariance, such as translation, rotation and scaling, is one of the important functions of processing visual information in the Brain. To simulate this perception property, we propose a computational model for perception of transformation. First, we briefly introduce the transformation-invariant basis functions learned from natural scenes using Independent Component Analysis (ICA). Then we use these basis functions to construct the perceptual model. By using the correlation coefficients of two neural responses as the measure of transformation-invariance, the model is able to perform the task of perception of transformation. Comparisons with Bilinear Sparse Coding presented by Grimes and Rao and Topo-ICA by Hayvarinen show that the proposed perceptual model has some advantages such as simple to implement and more robust to transformation invariance. Computer simulation results demonstrate that the model successfully simulates the mechanism...
Wenlu Yang, Liqing Zhang, Libo Ma
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where ICA
Authors Wenlu Yang, Liqing Zhang, Libo Ma
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