

Performance Analysis of QoS Routing with Network Dependant Delay Cost

14 years 4 months ago
Performance Analysis of QoS Routing with Network Dependant Delay Cost
This paper investigates the problem of path calcul ation of multiple metric routing. Toda ’s Internet routing is based on a single metric path selecting algorithm. Single metric path is a best effort service that can only support path for one requirement. In order to support quality-ofservice(QoS) call, path is subjec to multiple constraints on routing metric. In many cases, the path finding problem is NP-complete. This paper proposes widest-least cost routing algorithm that uses cost metric that is based on delay metric and inf uenced by resource bandwidth metric and network state. This algorithm is a multiple metric routing algorithm that has traffic distribution ability to serve traffic engine ring. Our goal is to select shortest path when network link is not loaded, and perform traffic engineering to move traffic to other path when network load is heavy. We have studied the performance through simulation and compared it against other routing algorithms.
Hahnearl Jeon, Sung-Dae Kim, Young Joon Kim, Hyung
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Hahnearl Jeon, Sung-Dae Kim, Young Joon Kim, Hyung-Taek Kim, Jai-Yong Lee
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