

Performance Analysis of Spatial Smoothing Schemes in the Context of Large Arrays

8 years 9 months ago
Performance Analysis of Spatial Smoothing Schemes in the Context of Large Arrays
This paper addresses the statistical behaviour of spatial smoothing subspace DoA estimation schemes using a sensor array in the case where the number of observations N is significantly smaller than the number of sensors M, and that the number of virtual arrays L is such that M and NL are of the same order of magnitude. This context is modelled by an asymptotic regime in which NL and M both converge towards ∞ at the same rate. As in recent works devoted to the study of (unsmoothed) subspace methods in the case where M and N are of the same order of magnitude, it is shown that it is still possible to derive improved DoA estimators termed as Generalized-MUSIC (G-MUSIC). The key ingredient of this work is a technical result showing that the largest singular values and corresponding singular vectors of low rank deterministic perturbation of certain Gaussian block-Hankel large random matrices behave as if the entries of the latter random matrices were independent identically distributed....
Gia-Thuy Pham, Philippe Loubaton, Pascal Vallet
Added 11 Apr 2016
Updated 11 Apr 2016
Type Journal
Year 2016
Where TSP
Authors Gia-Thuy Pham, Philippe Loubaton, Pascal Vallet
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