

Performance characterization and optimization of parallel I/O on the Cray XT

14 years 9 months ago
Performance characterization and optimization of parallel I/O on the Cray XT
This paper presents an extensive characterization, tuning, and optimization of parallel I/O on the Cray XT supercomputer, named Jaguar, at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. We have characterized the performance and scalability for different levels of storage hierarchy including a single Lustre object storage target, a single S2A storage couplet, and the entire system. Our analysis covers both data- and metadata-intensive I/O patterns. In particular, for small, non-contiguous dataintensive I/O on Jaguar, we have evaluated several parallel I/O techniques, such as data sieving and twophase collective I/O, and shed light on their effectiveness. Based on our characterization, we have demonstrated that it is possible, and often prudent, to improve the I/O performance of scientific benchmarks and applications by tuning and optimizing I/O. For example, we demonstrate that the I/O performance of the S3D combustion application can be improved at large scale by tuning the I/O system to avoid a band...
Weikuan Yu, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Sarp Oral
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where IPPS
Authors Weikuan Yu, Jeffrey S. Vetter, Sarp Oral
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