

Performance of CORBA-Based Client-Server Architectures

14 years 14 days ago
Performance of CORBA-Based Client-Server Architectures
Middleware has been introduced to provide interoperability as well as transparent location of servers in heterogeneous client-server environments. Although such benefits accrue from the use of middleware, careful consideration of system architecture is required to achieve high performance. Based on implementation and measurements made on the system, this paper is concerned with the impact of client-server interaction architecture on the performance of CORBA Systems. CORBA or Common Object Request Broker Architecture, proposed by the Object Management Group, is one of the commonly used standards for middleware architectures. Using a commercially available CORBA compliant ORB software called ORBeline, four different architectures were designed and implemented for client-server interaction on a network of workstations. In the Handle-Driven ORB (H-ORB) architecture, the client gets the address of the server from the agent and communicates with the server directly. In the Forwarding ORB (F-...
Istabrak Abdul-Fatah, Shikharesh Majumdar
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where TPDS
Authors Istabrak Abdul-Fatah, Shikharesh Majumdar
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