

Performance monitoring of industrial controllers based on the predictability of controller behavior

14 years 8 days ago
Performance monitoring of industrial controllers based on the predictability of controller behavior
This study focuses on performance assessment of industrial controllers. A methodology based on the concept of the predictability of controller errors is proposed for performance monitoring. The proposed approach is based on evaluating controller behaviour by analysing the time series of its error and to verify the existence predictable patterns beyond the control horizon in each one of the controlled variables of the process. To favour its implementation in a plant information system a performance index is proposed. For effectiveness of the monitoring algorithm, proper selection of some tuning parameters depending on the type of loop (temperature, level, pressure, etc.) is discussed. Examples using industrial data from a refinery are provided.
Rachid A. Ghraizi, Ernesto Martínez, C&eacu
Added 18 Dec 2010
Updated 18 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CCE
Authors Rachid A. Ghraizi, Ernesto Martínez, César de Prada, Francisco Cifuentes, José Luis Martínez
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