

Performance Optimizations for Deploying VoIP Services in Mesh Networks

14 years 2 months ago
Performance Optimizations for Deploying VoIP Services in Mesh Networks
In the recent past, there has been a tremendous increase in the popularity of VoIP services as a result of huge growth in broadband access. The same voice-over-Internet protocol (VoIP) service poses new challenges when deployed over a wireless mesh network, while enabling users to make voice calls using WiFi phones. Packet losses and delay due to interference in a multiple-hop mesh network with limited capacity can significantly degrade the end-to-end VoIP call quality. In this work, we discuss the basic requirements for efficient deployment of VoIP services over a mesh network. We present and evaluate practical optimizing techniques that can enhance the network capacity, maintain the VoIP quality and handle user mobility efficiently. Extensive experiments conducted on a real testbed and ns-2 provide insights into the performance issues and demonstrate the level of improvement that can be obtained by the proposed techniques. Specifically, we find that packet aggregation along with head...
Samrat Ganguly, Vishnu Navda, Kyungtae Kim, Anand
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where JSAC
Authors Samrat Ganguly, Vishnu Navda, Kyungtae Kim, Anand Kashyap, Dragor Niculescu, Rauf Izmailov, Sangjin Hong, Samir R. Das
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